Thursday, May 24, 2012

Who is the most beautiful and Lala Land? Try Kings hockey

Who is the most beautiful and Lala Land? Try Kings hockey

When you were sleeping, LA has been America’s most accomplished sports town -. Three teams in the playoffs, the first place baseball club, championship football franchise and the college football team, which is likely to fight for the title autumn

At one point it looked like Lakers and the Clippers could square off against each other at the same time staple for Big Kings to the Stanley Cup finals.

OK, get a grip.

Still, it’s been a good event for the local sports fans, not to mention the bar owners. Is a playoff game almost every night – although I must admit that I’m not in love with this cast Lakers, which is fast becoming the Oakland Raiders of the NBA

“I’m just. For logo but it is difficult to stop the personalities,” says Lakers fan.

On the other hand, you have this talk-of-the-town Kings. Even if you do not follow hockey, you can admire the brilliant way they have been playing, merges with finesse and power. Not when someone has removed the shirt, even though there have been several attacks that are legitimate hockey, of course.

And how the Kings past the pill, especially the brave defenders of the output passes through, scattered ice, so come on you like monkeys on mopeds.

Defense usually wins, but a great course to run away another good defense. The other night, Kings were clever enough to their hosts, the Phoenix Coyotes began flailing them like drunks on New Year’s. Their goalkeeper was a cheap swipe.

His goal? Dustin Brown.

Even the most casual Kings fans know Brown now. No. 23 position on dust bunnies beard and jack-o’-lantern smile. He was also an old-scho ol game and work ethic. Hits Butkus. Records bird.

Downtown Dustin Brown. This particular time,? The most dangerous striker in all sports.

The new hockey Here’s some background:

• hockey puck weighs about six ounces. They have been frozen before the game to reduce the jump, but still a boomerang around, rarely the same trick twice.

• toughest shots can reach 110 mph, and tear the flesh, crushing the bones, even kill, if you are not careful.

• Staples ice is less than an inch thick. To get a white color will be spray-painted, since it is created

sticks, when made of Canada hornbeam -. Wood – This is some of the same composites as a fighter <. / P> • Kings need four “lines” and teams of players, each of which consists of three forwards, two defenders and the goal of the offer. In addition, the goalkeeper, the catch off every minute or so, well-practiced “line change” that is similar to Azerbaijan a hostage rescue.

• “Dot” is a term used to send the puck off the far end of one half of the ice down the other team’s garage. If you are trying to “kill” the penalty , the frosting is illegal. It is also good to cupcakes.

• What is the oil in the Middle East, the beer is a hockey fan. They usually come from places freeze once a year for 12 months. Anything that does not freeze, they drink. Their life is made of Kevlar.

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